Improvisation Summit of Portland
Performing with Thick in the Throat, Honey.
photo credit Sean Ongley

obligatory typewriter pic

Jentel studio

"Composition" in The Denver Quarterly
Ucross studio

Thick in the Throat, Honey
photo credit: Jane Portnoff

Butter Projects Studio
Two poems on vellum in collaboration with Jacklyn Brickman's NUDE show at Butter Projects studio in Royal Oak, Michigan.

"Bruising Continents" in Iron Horse

Iron Horse Literary Journal

poem in Nimrod International Journal

Free Range Poetry
Claudia w/ Jade Schey & Rain Hobbs

Mercado reading
Christopher Luna feature of Bruising Continents
Rain Taxi feature of Bruising Continents by Christopher Luna
by Christopher Luna
Open Books w/ Ana-Maurine Lara
Bruising Continents & Kohnjehr Woman

Unchaste reading

One Hundred Hungers & Bruising Continents

with Lauren Camp at Passages Bookshop

Innisfree reading in Boulder, CO
KBOO radio with Voicecatcher crew (Tiah Lindner Raphael, Jennifer Foreman, etc.)

writing fuel birthday scones

recording for The Extradition Series

Poeming Pigeon reading
(photo by Robert Sanders)
Mineral School residency

recording at The Map Room

Risk/Reward Pavement Festival w/ John C. Savage
Revelry performance
Mineral School Residency

Black Earth Institute retreat